Draft #2b, June 4, 1996

The VRML 2.0 Specification

Overview Examples Design Notes Schedule

Scripting Language Polling Booth and Results

Moving Worlds VRML 2.0 is the second release of the VRML Specification. The specification is currently under development (2nd draft), and is scheduled for functional freeze (Draft #3) in June 1996 and final document on August 4, 1996.

The specification was orginally developed by Silicon Graphics in collaboration with Sony and Mitra. Many people in the VRML community have been involved in the review and evolution of the specification (see credits page in the specification). Moving Worlds is a tribute to the successful collaboration of all of us. Gavin Bell, Chris Marrin, and Rikk Carey have headed the effort at SGI to produce the final specification.

Please send errors or suggestions to rikk@best.com, cmarrin@sgi.com, and/or gavin@acm.org.

What is VRML?

VRML is an acronym for Virtual Reality Modeling Lanaguage. It is a file format for describing 3D objects and worlds to be experienced on the world wide web (similar to how HTML is used to view text). The first release of The VRML 1.0 Specification was created by Silicon Graphics Inc., reviewed and improved by the VRML email discussion group (www-vrml@wired.com), and later adopted and endorsed by a plethora of companies and individuals.

See the San Diego Supercomputing's VRML Repository for lots of information on VRML, or see SGI's VRML site.

What is Moving Worlds?

Moving Worlds is the name of the proposal that was chosen by the VRML community as the working document for VRML 2.0. It was created by Silicon Graphics, in collaboration with Sony and Mitra. Many people in the VRML community were actively involved with Moving Worlds and contributed numerous ideas, reviews, and improvements.

What is the VRML Specification?

The VRML Specification is the technical document that precisely describes the VRML file format. It is primarily intended for implementors writing VRML browsers. It is also intended for readers interested in simply learning more about VRML. Note however that many people (especially non-technical) find the VRML Specification inadequate as a starting point or as a primer for users. However, there are a variety of excellent introductory books on VRML in bookstores.

How was Moving Worlds chosen as the VRML 2.0 Specification?

The VRML Architecture Group (VAG) put out a Request-for-Proposals (RFP) in January 1995 for VRML 2.0. Six proposals were received and then debated for about 2 months. Moving Worlds developed a strong consensus and was eventually selected by the VRML community in a poll. The VAG made it official on March 27th.

How can I start using VRML 2.0?

You must install a VRML 2.0 browser. See San Diego Supercomputer Center's list of browsers for what's available. Note however that since VRML 2.0 is still a working document, these browsers are in a beta phase. At this point, Sony's CyberPassage is the only browser that supports VRML 2.0 Draft #1. Watch the Silicon Graphics VRML site for news on Cosmo Player for Windows95 coming soon.

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Contact rikk@best.com, cmarrin@sgi.com, or gavin@acm.org with questions or comments.
This URL: http://vrml.sgi.com/moving-worlds/index.html