Presentation, Graphics & VRML Track

Session 231

Shared 3D Social Worlds on the Web and Internet

Mitra, Chief Network Technology Officer, ParaGraph International

Maclen Marvit, Vice President, Product Development, Worlds, Inc.
Robert Rockwell, Chief Scientist, Black Sun's CyberGate
Bill Owens, Director of Marketing, On-Live! Technologies
Marc de Groot, President, Immersive Systems Inc.
Dan Greening, Ph.D., President, Chaco Communications, Inc.

VRML is providing the standard framework for developing multiple participant interactive 3D spaces on the Web. Many people feel that as these worlds and technologies mature, they will provide the foundation for the Killer App of VRML development in the late 90's. Learn how the pioneers of visual social computing are using avatars, voice input, gestures, facial expressions and other tricks to enhance the chat experience.

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