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Comments on Interface proposal and sensor/trigger proposal

This document comments on and also uses an example written by Mitra in his comparison on World's proposal and our work. That comparison can be found in

We refer to these three papers as; Interface proposal, sensors/triggers proposal and World's comparison paper respectively.

The latest version of this paper is 'Comments on interface and sensor/trigger proposal [6]' This paper references two others we have written: 'Extension to VRML1.0 [3]' which discusses our extensions to VRML and provides a number of examples of scripts to support behavior. 'An OO perspective on VRML [4]' this paper supports our approach by explaining our underlying philosophy

Kouichi Matsuda, Yasuaki Honda, Rodger Lea
{matsuda, honda, rodger}
Sony Computer Science Laboratories Inc. 
also with Central Research Center, Sony Corporation


Thurs Oct 5 11:41:27 JST 1995: the first version

1. Overview

In general we are happy with the Interface proposal and have incorporated the use of fields into our own extensions to VRML. We have some concerns with the sensor/trigger proposal and feel it is too complicated.

Interface proposal

Sensor and trigger

We think that the proposal for sensors and triggers is too complicated. In the examples below (taken from 'Worlds comparison paper [5]') we can see that a sensor is defined as a picksensor on Cube. Immediately afterwards the trigger is associated with the cube. The sensor seems to be redundant, why not just associate the trigger with the cube?
    DEF MyCubes CleverCube {
        isA Separator
        fields [ SFColor READWRITE cube1color ]
        cube1color 0 0 1
        Separator { 
           Material { emissiveColor USE MyCube.cube1color }
           DEF cubeSensor PickSensor {
               Cube { }
           Trigger { 
               condition "cubeSensor.picked"
               action "set MyCube.cube1color 1 0 0"
        Cube { }    # Second cube from article, no behavior
In our proposal, this example should like this:

    Separator {
       EventHandler {
          eventType GRAB
          function "set diffuseColor 1 0 0"
       Cube {}
In this second example (again from the same paper) we see the use of a script rather than the action.
    DEF MyCubes CleverCube {
        isA Separator
        fields [ SFColor READWRITE cube1color ]
        cube1color 0 0 1
        cube1 { Cube { } } 
        Separator { 
            Material { emissiveColor USE MyCube.cube1color }
            DEF cubeSensor PickSensor {
                target MyCubes.cube1 
           DEF MyBehavior Behavior {
                language TCL
                program ""
                running FALSE
                parameters [ SFNode, "USE MyCubes.cube1", SFColor, "1 0 0"]
            Trigger { 
                condition "cubeSensor.picked"
                action "set MyBehavior.running TRUE" 
        Cube { }    # Second cube from article, no behavior
In our proposal, this example should like this:
    Separator {
       EventHandler {
          filename ""
          eventType GRAB
          function "change_color"
          userData "red"
          scriptType TCL
       Cube {}


  1. Interface proposal
    Adds an interface to VRML1.1 style separaters.
  2. Sensors/Triggers proposal
    Adds sensors to detect events like collisions and picking, connectors to tie fields together, and triggers to trigger an event from a field change.
  3. Sony's extensions to current VRML1.0 standard
    Our extensions to VRML with examples
  4. An O-O perspective on VRML
    This paper presents a way of viewing VRML that makes life easier.
  5. Contrasting world's scheme for behaviors and others
    A comparison of Worlds behavior spec with SDSC's and Sony's
  6. Comments on interface proposal and sensor/trigger proposal
    This paper raises some issues with Mitra's interface proposal and sensor/trigger proposal.